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The nation's only fire service membership network dedicated to promoting and advancing the realistic training needs of today's firefighters.

FT V19 2 Mar15  FT DT Mar15

Become a member of the Fire Department Training Network, the fire service's #1 training advocate, and the only membership organization that is truly devoted to the training needs of today's firefighters. Take a look at an issue of FIRE TRAINING and run through a few of the training sessions with our monthly Department Trainer.

Join FDTN today!

FDTN FireSky 2

FDTN's 2025 Calendar is almost here! –– Registration Opens November 1st!

Download your copy today!

The Public Hallway…


Listening in…Stretching and the public hallway.

  6846 Hits

Today's Drill

FB Fundamentals

Today's Drill: Search

Here's a few simple drills to refresh the basics of search.

#FireCombat #FDTN #fdtraining #firetraining #livefire #RIT #firegroundops #engineops #truckops #tailboard #training

  9499 Hits

Today's Drill


Today's Drill: Layin out…you may not like it but you better be good at it.

Take your turn on the tailboard today. Whether you use 3-inch or 5-inch (or something else), leave the backstep, grab what you need to get the job done and then make the hyrdrant connection. It's a simple drill but a great refresher!

The drill isn't about length…it's about getting from the tailboard to the hydrant with everything you need.

#FireCombat #FDTN #fdtraining #firetraining #livefire #RIT #firegroundops #engineops #truckops #tailboard #training


  8011 Hits

FDTN Tour 2020


FDTN Academy Tour

Here's a walking tour of FDTN's
National Fireground Training Academy -- Hope to see you this year! 

  16173 Hits

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V academy

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V programs

Training Saves Lives

If you believe that training is the key to saving firefighter's lives then membership in the Fire Department Training Network is for you!

Become a member of the fire service’s #1 training advocate and the only organization devoted to advancing the realistic training needs of today’s firefighters.


Become a Member Today!

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