FDTN's Training Courses


The Fire Department Training Network is known for realistic, live-fire, training courses that are as close to the real thing as possible. That's right, if you didn't know you were at a training session you'd think you were fighting a fire in your own district. Realistic crew sizes, realistic structures, realistic apparatus placement, and realistic fires. Our Academy has been referred to as "Disneyland for Firefighters!" We pride ourselves in pushing you to your limits so you can learn under the conditions you'll face on the street. The only way to get good at this job is by doing this job — there's no doubt in our mind that these courses recreate the real thing! What better way to practice and perfect your skills!


FDTN's Live-Fire Training Camp

The Fire Department Training Network's Live-Fire Training Camp features 6 blocks of live-fire training — each focusing on performing actual fireground skills under intense and realistic conditions. Students will rotate through each 4-hour training block during the 3 day camp.

Training Blocks Include:

  • Firefighter Survival
  • Forcible Entry
  • Residential Basement Operations
  • Searching without a Line
  • Hoarder Conditions
  • Firefighter Rescue & RIT

Students will perform multiple repetitions of each skill under simulated and live-fire conditions. Each training block is designed to develop, build, and enhance the decision making and muscle memory skills needed to perform at a high level during actual fireground operations. FDTN's Live-Fire Training Camp WILL get you into fireground shape—both mentally and physically!

Learn the Job by Doing the Job … It's the FDTN Way!

2025 Dates:

April 6-8, 2025 (Note: Sunday-Tuesday)

Register Now:

Members: $1,200.00    /    Non-Members: $1,500.00 ***FULL


October 20-22, 2025

Register Now:

Members: $1,200.00    /    Non-Members: $1,500.00 ***FULL


Fire Combat

The Ultimate Fireground Learning Experience!

Fire Comat is a unique training experience offered by the Fire Department Training Network. In an effort to provide the most realistic training possible for firefighters, FDTN has created a scenario-based course designed to provide response-based experience for company officers, firefighters, and chiefs.

The Fire Combat experience is broken down into individual shifts (morning and afternoon blocks) where you will be assigned as a crew to either an engine company or truck company. Crews will change assignments at the start of each shift. To further refine the experience students will register for the course as the company officer or backstep firefighter.

A Fire Combat shift will be very similar to a typical firehouse shift where you'll prepare for work, ready the apparatus, perform equipment maintenance, training, public education, and/or whatever else the crew may be assigned to do during the shift. In addition, you'll respond to multiple single- and multi-alarm fires during the shift. The intent…response-based muscle memory that will allow you to further refine and develop your overall fireground knowledge and experience.

The unique training experience will provide attendees the opportunity to respond to, and gain experience operating at, a significant number or working fires. Crews who register together will be assigned to the same company, if possible…a great way to enhance your skill set, as an individual and as the member of a crew.

Real companies, real-time dispatch, real-time fireground decision making, SOPs, training sessions, report writing…PLUS…multiple working fires to develop STREET EXPERIENCE! The most realistic fireground training experience available.

At least one of the following…
FDTN's Live-Fire Training Camp
FDTN's Engine Company Operations I, II, or III
FDTN's Truck Company Operations I, II, or III
FDTN's Fireground Company Officer



You can email if you would lke to be put on the waiting list and if any openings become available we will reach out.


2025 Dates:

October6-9 2025

Register Now:

Battalion Chief (4 spots)
Members: $2,495.00    /    Non-Members: $2,895.00 ***FULL

Company Offcer (8 spots)
Members: $2,495.00    /    Non-Members: $2,895.00 ***FULL

Firefighter (24 spots)
Members: $2,495.00    /    Non-Members: $2,895.00 ***FULL

**Prerequisites will be confirmed prior to final enrollment.


Live-Fire Trainer

The most in-dept live-fire trainer program available!

FDTN has been conducting live-fire training in container-based props for over 20 years. Our ability to provide a consistent training environment for each student has always been recognized, and sought after. FDTN's Live-Fire Trainer is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to provide a consistent and safe live-fire training environment in your container-based training props.

For more information contact FDTN. Class size is limited so register early if this is the class you've been looking for.

2025 Dates:

September 29-October 2, 2025 Register Now:

Members: $2,495.00    /    Non-Members: $2,895.00


Engine Company Operations I

This 3-day course is pure Engine Company Operations. A morning lecture identifies fireground engine company operations, including riding positions and assignments, water supply, stretching and operating the first line, the backup line, and when to use the 2-1/2 inch line. Hands-on skill stations are conducted, under increasingly realistic conditions, to build solid engine company skills. Day 3 is all scenario-based under live-fire conditions, performing as members of an engine company.

Note: This course is run simultaneously with the Truck Company Operations I course -- providing realistic fireground working conditions and communication challenges between crews.

2025 Dates:

May 5-7, 2025

Register Now:

Members: $1,200.00    /    Non-Members: $1,500.00  ***FULL


August 18-20, 2025

Register Now:

Members: $1,200.00    /    Non-Members: $1,500.00 ***FULL


November 3-5, 2025

Register Now:

Members: $1,200.00    /    Non-Members: $1,500.00  ***FULL


Truck Company Operations I

This 3-day course is pure Truck Company Operations. A morning lecture identifies fireground truck company operations, including riding positions and assignments, forcible entry, search, ventilation, tools, and the inside/outside team concept. Hands-on skill stations are conducted, under increasingly realistic conditions, to build solid truck company skills. Day 3 is all scenario-based under live-fire conditions, performing as members of a truck company.

Note: This course is run simultaneously with the Engine Company Operations I course -- providing realistic fireground working conditions and communication challenges between crews.

2025 Dates:

May 5-7, 2025

Register Now:

Members: $1,200.00    /    Non-Members: $1,500.00 ***FULL


August 18-20, 2025

Register Now:

Members: $1,200.00    /    Non-Members: $1,500.00 ***FULL


November 3-5, 2025

Register Now:

Members: $1,200.00    /    Non-Members: $1,500.00 ***FULL


Rescue Company Operations I

This course is designed for members operating on fireground-based rescue companies or those members tasked with critical fireground operations during escalating incidents.

FDTN's Rescue Company Operations I is designed for fireground-based rescue companies! The program focuses on critical fireground operations including: Forcible Entry, Search, Line Placement and Advancement in extreme conditions, Fireground Collapse, Firefighter Rescue, and Rapid Intervention Team Operations.

2025 Dates:

September 8-11, 2025

Register Now:

Members: $1,200.00    /    Non-Members: $1,500.00. ***FULL


Rapid Intervention Teams


The Fire Department Training Network's Fireground Survival & Rapid Intervention Teams course is the most comprehensive course available for developing, training, and implementing rapid intervention teams. The program is made up of three modules: Firefighter Surivival, Firefighter Rescue, and Rapid Intervention Team Operations. The program, and associated curriculum, exceeds all aspects as outlined in NFPA 1407 Standard for Training Rapid Intervention Crews.

This course teaches rapid intervention skills in 3 stages: Firefighter Survival, Firefighter Rescue, and Rapid Intervention Operations. Day one is spent building prevention skills into each firefighter (and preparing them to be members of a RIT). Skills include: SCBA emergencies, MAYDAY, disorientation emergencies and emergency escape techniques. Day two is spent learning the individual techniques and skills involved in firefighter rescue. Skills include: Emergency air supply, searching for a firefighter, assessing and packaging a firefighter, drags and carries, ladder rescues, rescues from entanglements, breaches, below grade and restricted areas. Day three details the positions, assignments, and fireground operations (proactive tasks, tool use, staging, and more) of a rapid intervention team. Skills include: performing as RIT officer, navigation/air supply, search and packaging as a firefighter assigned to a RIT. Day three scenarios combine all skills learned, under realistic fireground conditions, while operating as a RIT in response to a fireground MAYDAY.

2025 Dates:

June 23-25, 2025

Register Now:

Members: $1,200.00    /    Non-Members: $1,500.00 ***FULL


Commanding RIT Operations

Pre-requsite: None

This 2-day course covers the basics of commanding rapid intervention team operations. There are multiple interactive lectures, along with skill stations before students Command multiple incidents acting as the IC or Rescue Sector during actual RIT deployment operations,

Course covers: RIT staffing, member assignments and responsibilities, the role of the RIT officer, RIT tools, proactive fireground tasks, commanding fireground mayday operations, the need for ongoing RIT training for firefighters and Command, and more.

2025 Dates:

June 24-25, 2025

Register Now:

Members: $800.00    /    Non-Members: $1,200.00. ***FULL

Rapid Intervention Teams Train-the-Trainer

The Fire Department Training Network's Fireground Survival & Rapid Intervention Teams Train-the-Trainer Course is the most comprehensive RIT training program and curriculum available. This course provides departments with a comprehensive, step-by-step, instructional program for developing, training, and implementing a fire department RIT program. The program, and associated curriculum, exceeds all aspects as outlined in NFPA 1407 Standard for Training Rapid Intervention Crews. This 32-hour Train-the-Trainer course prepares you to deliver FDTN's highly-successful 3-day Fireground Survival and Rapid Intervention Teams training program.

Students who successfully complete all written and practical components of this intense Train-the-Trainer program will receive FDTN's Fireground Survival and Rapid Intervention Teams training curriculum package. The training package covers:

  • Firefighter Survival
  • Firefighter Rescue
  • Rapid Intervention Team Operations

The Train-the-Trainer program consists of classroom and hands-on training, as well as student-lead teaching components.

Successfull completion will allow Trainers to return to their individual departments with a complete training program that can be delivered to its members. By implementing the program outlined in the Fire Department Training Network's Firegroud Survival and Rapid Intervention Teams Instructor Manual and using Fireground Survival and RIT Student Kits (includes student manuals, student tests, and student certificate), trainers will be able to deliver this program to all department personnel.

The program also provides your department with the flexibility to present the material in modules (The program can be taught as a 3-day course or broken into individual components.). This provides the option of integrating it into the department's normal work schedule.

Pre-requisite Documents:

  • NFPA Instructor I or equivalent
  • Sponsorship letter from fire department or affiliated training center

2025 Dates:

June 23-26, 2025

Register Now:

Members: $1,895.00    /    Non-Members: $2,295.00 ***FULL


Fireground Company Officer

This is a fireground-based company officer course designed around Common Sense and Solid Fireground Skills! The course is for company officers and those firefighters on their way to becoming a company officer.

This course was developed to build a solid and functional fireground officer — both on the fireground and back at the firehouse. Skills will focus on communication, team building, problem solving (through prevention), training, fireground officer skills and performance, the engine company officer, the truck company officer, the station officer, and Basic Common Sense.

FDTN's Fireground Company Officer course is not a textbook-type, sit-on-your-butt, course! This course builds and improves company officer skills through hard work and performance. It takes a whole lot more than being a good firefighter to be a good company officer. Do you have what it takes?

2025 Dates:

June 2-5, 2025

Register Now:

Members: $1,895.00    /    Non-Members: $2,295.00. ***FULL


Designing Training Props

FDTN is known for its creative and functional use of shipping containers to provide some of the most realistic fireground training available. FDTN's National Fireground Training Academy currently operates 12 fully-functional container-based training props capable of creating both simulated and realistic fireground conditions for firefighters to practice and learn the skills needed during actual fireground operations.

This training course is designed to assist departments who are ready to take their training to the next level by creating and operating container-based training props.

2025 Dates:

May 19-21, 2025

Register Now:

Members: $1,895.00    /    Non-Members: $2,295.00


What to bring…

Here's a few things you'll need when coming to FDTN's Academy: 
• Full set of turnout gear 
• SCBA cylinder **2 spare cylinders required when attending Live-Fire Training Camp 
• Dry set or change of clothing 

Lunch is provided during each day of training.


Hotel Reservations when attending FDTN's Academy

FDTN's National Fireground Training Academy is located at 8530 N 850 W, Fairland, IN 46126.
The closest airport is the Indianapolis International Airport and is approximately 20 miles from the facility. Rental cars are available at this location. There are a number of Hotels located in the Indianapolis area.
This year we will be using a NEW HOTEL, the Courtyard Marriott Indianpolis – South, located at 4650 Southport Crossing Drive in Indianapolis. The hotel's phone number is: 317-885-9799. There are a number of places to eat in the immediate area of the hotel. For hotel reservations you can use the links below or contact the hotel directly. Let them know you are attending a class at FDTN, there is a group rate available.

Hotel links will be available shortly.

Spring Live-Fire Training Camp – April 6-8, 2025

Engine/Truck Company Operations I – May 5-7, 2025

Designing Training Props – May 19-21, 2025

Fireground Company Officer – June 2-5, 2025

Rapid Intervention Teams – June 23-26, 2025

Engine/Truck Company Operations I – August 18-20, 2025

Rescue Company Operations I – September 8-11, 2025

Live-Fire Trainer – September 29-October 2, 2025

Fire Combat – October 6-9, 2025

Fall Live-Fire Training Camp – October 20-22, 2025

Engine/Truck Company Operations I – November 3-5, 2025

FDTN Cancellation Policy

FDTN's Course Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be made in writing and sent to FDTN, PO Box 1852, Indianapolis, IN 46206 (Email: info@fdtraining.com). All cancellations for registrations paid will be charged a 10% processing fee. Cancellations received in excess of 45 days prior to the start of the event will be issued a 100% (90) refund; Cancellations received from 31 to 45 days prior to the start of the event will be refunded 50% (40) of the registration fee; Cancellations received within 30 days of the start date of the event are non-refundable. Name changes are permitted with no charge up to the start of the event.


Fire Department Training Network
P.O. Box 1852 | Indianapolis, IN 46206
317-862-9679 | info@fdtraining.com